Saturday, February 2, 2013

Cute Little Chub Rolls

OH! Trust me, I could complain about a hell of a lot more! Child abuse should not be supported. Lets donate money for medical expenses when they have Tricare which covers everything. Lets nominate this woman for military spouse of the year when she had done NOTHING but bash the military!!!!
I'm not sure how I didn't see this until just now, anonymous, but not once have I bashed the military…I have not BASHED anything.  I have stated nothing but the facts of the situation that my family & I just went through.  I have told our story, from beginning to end.  And it really, seriously makes me laugh that you not only come here and post anonymously - but you also have no idea about our situation and who we are.

First off, TriCare does NOT cover everything.  We had to switch Avery off of TriCare Prime and put her on TriCare Standard in order to get her seen downtown by the Pediatrician we trusted.  I've never asked for money hand-outs from anyone.  We have a ton of medical expenses, beyond what you could probably begin to comprehend.  Those who have a child with special needs or has a ton of appointments will understand that statement.  Medical expenses don't stop at Doctor's visits.  Special therapies aren't covered at 100%.  Special formulas (like Elecare) aren't covered by TriCare before the age of one.  Gas to and from town two, three, four times a week aren't covered by TriCare.  Meals when your family is eating out because appointments are hours and hours long, those aren't covered by TriCare either.  TriCare doesn't cover 1/2 of the expenses that Avery has right now. 
Secondly, not only was I nominated for MSOY – I won for Grand Forks AFB. 

Third, I really don’t care if you like my use of parenthesis or quotations.  If you are dissatisfied with my writing style, feel free to stop reading it.  This is MY blog.  My personal statements.  I write in what is called a “voice” and it is my style of writing.  People who know me will read this blog and will read it and know exactly what I am saying and in what tone I am saying it. 
I really thought the anonymous backlash would go away.  Just goes to show that there are always those who are too cowardly to state their mind with their face behind it.  At least when I tell people what is happening in my life and state my “opinion”, I stand behind it.

Oh, and usually when I  use quotations in (seemingly) awkward places, I do it so that people can pick up on my sarcasm.  J

Sorry, I hate to address comments publicly – but I just want to make absolutely sure that all those wonderful anonymous types see how I feel. 

I’m just writing to post a quick update on Avery.  She is doing absolutely beautifully.  She is up to 13lb 12oz now.  It’s crazy to think that four months ago we were just beginning this journey and now we are closing it.  She has gained almost four pounds!  Her g-tube is still having granulation tissue and infection issues, but we are working diligently to get those taken care of.  She has excelled wonderfully with her oral therapies. 
Four months ago, Avery wouldn’t let you touch her face.   Now, not only can you touch her face – you can feed her!  She will take baby food and some “table food”.  She drinks from a sippy cup, although if it has any formula or hint of formula she will absolutely refuse it.  Avery is drinking juice out of a sippy cup and will also drink water.  She has changed so much in the last few months! 

Last week she got her first real experience at ‘food play’.  She was sneaky and dumped her container of baby food out on the high chair, so I let her play in it!  She absolutely loved being able to move the food around, eat off of her own hands and play in it.  She had sweet carrots and ham.  I grabbed a ton of pictures.  It is SO great to see her happy, healthy and finally start developing those cute little chub rolls that she should have!
Avery’s best friend, Peighton, came over last week and had a play date.  It is crazy to see Avery and PeiPei next to each other.  I forget how “small” Avery is because she seems so big to me!  Side by side, though, it’s obvious that Avery has a lot of catching up to do!

Peighton and Avery - November 2012
Avery and Peighton - January 2013

Avery is also sitting up independently now.  She still wobbles and falls occasionally – but she is so strong!  She is working towards catching up with her adjusted age and hopefully will catch up non-adjusted soon.  Either way, she’s making her own path – in true Avery fashion!
Tonight, Avery got her first big girl bath!  She shared the tub with her big sisters, Madi & Kailee.  She was so happy and excited to be playing in the tub with her sisters!

Madi and Kailee are doing absolutely amazing, as well.  Madi is in ballet at Nancy Pasley’s Ballet Studio downtown and has brought home tons of fun new moves to show us.  She constantly talks about how happy she is at ballet and how much fun she is having.  I can’t wait to see her in action at Parent’s week! Kailee is talking more than ever.  She seems to have suddenly developed a massive vocabulary and is always sure to remind me that she knows what’s going on.  She is definitely in her terrible twos, but she is also so sweet.  Anyone that has a boo-boo gets an “all bedder kiss!” from her.  

It feels so good to have a happy, healthy family.  The last few months have been so hard on all of us.  It is so nice to wake up in the morning without the weight of the world crushing down on me!


  1. I am so happy that everyone is doing better (and hopefully, your migraines have gone away as well) :) Cant wait to see you back home ( in TEXAS)!

    As far as the stupid post, They are idiots... you know...the ones that couldn't get their mind frame out of the "high school drama days" and live in the real world! YOU ARE BETTER than he/she will EVER be! and trust me, Karma is a bia and they will get theirs! :) Love you and give the girls kisses from their Auntie PAM! :) oh and eat a cupcake for me too! :p

  2. I think it is fair to say that your "anonymous" is in the military. He/she probably thinks his/her points are valid. But, i don't think it is the point that matters to this person. You threaten this person for some reason. He/she took an early stand against you and can not shift to think of you as innocent. I'm sorry that his/her life is so miserable that he/she feels justified in taking it out on you. I like your response. Very mature. You have a beautiful family. Continue to work together to heal. Hold your husband close. And lets go to dinner sometime when you guys get back to Texas.

  3. Won for a MAGAZINE, where you were the only nomination for the base AND where anyone, anywhere could vote and you have a fb fan page full of people that you posted asking for votes to.

    1. You must really have nothing better to do. I won because I was nominated. There actually was another person nominated for the base. I'm not sure how you think voting works - people have to have people who will vote for them in order to win. I'm done justifying myself to the anonymous people. I have nothing to justify. Get a life. Seriously.

    2. Just simply asking that you be honest in what it's for, you did not win for the military, you won for a magazine. BIG DIFFERENCE! And a magazine that is the "people" of the military at that.


While we understand that not everyone is a believer in the innocence of a parent accused of child abuse, we would ask that you keep your comments respectful.