Thursday, January 3, 2013

Two More Months.

Two more months.

The court decided that Avery should stay in County Social Services custody for another two months.  Two more months. 

I don't even know what else to write right now.  I can't even think about it without bawling.


  1. I saw your post from another friends page.. I sat in my mothers living room all after non until just note reading your entire blog... I'm so sorry for the situations that you and your family are going through... If you can get back to Texas (which I'm assuming you are from, and were i live born and raised here) Texas children's is the best and if you need to be close to a base try to get ft hood.. Scott and white hospital in temple Texas is awesome... When my son was born he ate non stop.. I thought he was just already eating like a teen boy.. Several months passed and by accident the awesome doctor there uncovered my son had a hiatal hernia.. They treated him quickly and we sweet and understand.. My sons farther was on deployment so i didn't it all alone.. Was in the hospital due to complication for a month.. They are an amazing hospital... If you every need to vent or need someone to just sit and cry to or just listen to you scream in anger I'm here even though you don't know me at all..

  2. I love you Cheryl, and look forward to the day I get on here and read that it is over! You are truly one of the strongest people that I know. I thought being a navy wife was a hard job, but following you and averys story shows your strength in numbers!


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