Wednesday, January 23, 2013

A Big Fat Lie.

There are always two sides to every story.  Sometimes, the other side is a big, fat lie.
This blog entry may bore some of you – but those of you who are on base – be aware. This is the TRUTH behind the lies. 
In late October of 2012, I got fed up with being concerned about Avery’s declining percentiles.  I made an appointment.  I was told to come so they could “feed and observe”.  I did what I was told.  I got a second opinion. 
As the case progressed there was a page opened on Facebook called “Help Bring Baby A Home.”  I did not initially run or manage the page.  There were several fundraisers, none of which I orchestrated or asked for.  I spent my time focusing on my family, my sweet Avery.

Last week I got a stack of paperwork about 200 pages thick.  That is not an exaggeration.  I started to flip through it and as I did my blood started to boil.  It was all wrong.  Wrong, wrong, wrong!  I read interviews that OSI did with Avery’s (now former) Pediatrician.  I read the CPS reports and the paperwork that was filed to open the case.  I cried.  I was angry and hurt – so I cried.
People who know me know that I am honest, open and loving.  I leave my door unlocked to those who need help.  I try and give to others and expect nothing in return.  (Sounds fake, right?)  I help anyone who needs it and would literally give you the shirt off my back if it helped you.  I am not that person anymore. 

The lies behind this investigation make me so angry at this base, the med group, the New Parent “Support” Program and ultimately, Dr. Vermillion. 
The first report made to CPS was made by Family Advocacy – but more importantly was filed by Peggy of the new parent support program on base.  This program is a voluntary program that you can sign up for.  We invited Peggy into our home and allowed her to be involved in our lives and spend time with Avery.  The first report reads:

“Family Advocacy Nurse notes youngest preemie daughter no weight gain in past 2 weeks (9lbs 14.5oz or 4.46kg).  Mom to base Peds Clinic 10/30/12 with observed formula feedings successfully 6oz over 4 hrs.  Mom was instructed by base pediatrician, Dr. Vermillion, to come each day 8-9am to Peds for feedings.  10/31/12 arrived around noon.  Successful formula feedings until Mom wanted to leave for Halloween festivities.  Mom asking pediatrician to admit her youngest daughter to hospital for nasogastric tube placement for feeding.  Mom is a nursing student.  Oldest daughter hx of FTT.  When youngest daughter was in NICU, neighbor watched other 2 daughters and stated girls were “famished” and would eat everything they could.  Mom admitted report made with her 1st daughter when they were living in TX where they didn’t get along with their neighbors so they reported she wasn’t feeding her daughter.  Mom has some condition that her teeth are rotting.”

Oh, how my blood is still running cold reading these lies.  First off – I was NEVER told a specific time to return to the clinic for feeding documentation.  I was told to “come back tomorrow and bring formula so we can feed her again”.  I complied.  I didn’t stay all day because I have two other children to take responsibility for and no family in the area.  How dare I be reprimanded for taking care of ALL of my children instead of just one.  Secondly, I NEVER asked for a feeding tube to be inserted.  I discussed the fact that Avery’s suck/swallow reflex seemed to have disappeared, that I was having a hard time getting her to eat and that I was concerned about her nutrition.  Third, we didn’t even go to any “halloween festivities” on the 31st because we spent the afternoon at the clinic and by the time we left I was exhausted and so were the girls.  Fourth, the supposed “neighbor” who watched the girls has directly stated that such a conversation has never occurred.  I actually have Peggy admitting to not having such a conversation on recording, as well.  Yet it was filed in a CPS report?  WHERE is that ok?  WHY is that ok?!  Fifth, the first CPS report was not made by a neighbor.  It was made by a mom of a group I was in (on Facebook) for mothers.  It was opened and closed within a few weeks and was erased from our records so they can’t possibly even find that the case ever happened.  And finally – the condition that cause my teeth to rot?  Well, we will address that after the SECOND report filed by the base (all within two days).
Second report reads:
“Reporter states that Avery was born premature at 32 weeks.  She is experiencing significant issues with weight gain and reflux.  Reporter states that there has been concern regarding the feeding practices with Avery.  Beginning on 10-29-12 Cheryl was to come into the clinic on the AFB daily at 9:00am to work with the medical staff regarding Avery’s feeding.  She would also be observed by medical staff at that time and assistance would be provided as needed.  Cheryl has been inconsistent with coming into the clinic for this.  At this point Avery is being referred to Pediatrics at Altru for further testing.  Dr. Vermillion is also recommending hospitalization for her at this time at Altru.  The reporter states that Cheryl wants the baby to have a feeding tube inserted as she feels that this would resolve her feeding issues.  At this time medical staff is feeling that Avery may be failure to thrive.  Reporter states that there have been feeding issues with the other two children.  Madilynn was also premature and was diagnosed as failure to thrive.  That diagnosis just recently ended for her.  Reporter states that there have been concerns related to Cheryl’s eating and nutrition.  It is believed that she has some kind of eating disorder.  At this time she is having significant dental issues because of that.”

Priceless.  There should definitely have been concerns related to Avery’s feeding – I started stating in SEPTEMBER that I was concerned and it is documented in Avery’s medical records!  What mother in their right mind would want their baby to have a feeding tube?  Because if I wanted her to have a feeding tube so badly then why is it that when the NG tube was inserted at Altru that I fell apart crying?  It isn’t normal for a child to not eat – that is what I kept saying.  “She won’t eat.”  “I can’t get her to eat.”  “She just screams all the time.”  “At this time medical staff feel that Avery may be failure to thrive.”  Seriously?  She dropped from the 31st percentile (July) to the 4th percentile (October).  She IS failure to thrive.  She was considered failure to thrive at the beginning of September and nothing was even done.  There were no feeding issues with my other girls.  Both eat perfectly fine, both were failure to thrive.  All of my pregnancies were IUGR and SGA.  When did failure to thrive become the parent’s fault?! As far as the concerns regarding my feeding, no one EVER talked to me about my eating habits.  No one asked me how I was feeling, what I was eating, my weight or anything else.  I am heavier now than I’ve ever been.  I eat, trust me, I EAT.  I love food.  But, don’t forget – my eating disorder is causing my teeth to rot out.  How insulting!?  And not to mention the fact that it is filed on a CPS report as FACT.  It is not stated as an opinion – everything written is just as factual as you can imagine.  Try fighting that. 
The story gets even better.  Stay tuned!  


  1. I can only imagine the insult and pain you must be feeling. I have been following your story from the beginning. I hate that people can be so dishonest, especially to those who are so kind and open. Please have faith, there are many that care about you. By saying have faith, I'm not saying to let your guard down, I'm saying that there is still some good in the world. Seeing through your eyes, it would be difficult to notice anything good after reading that report. I pray that your heart heals, someday it will.

  2. Maybe you are in denial?


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