Something has to give. I can't go into detail right now but our burdens as of right now are immense and enough to break down the strongest people.
It certainly feels like everyday is a circus for poor Avery and our little family. Avery has a nifty little Mic- key button now, which is great.We have only had a few small issues with it. The"lock" that keeps the tube in her stomach seems to unlock pretty easily, which has resulted in more than one soaked bed, outfit,car seat, blanket... Her Mic- key button seems to be a bit longer than it should be for her age and size. however, the infection is definitely getting better and her mood improvement is amazing!!
Our family was incredibly blessed to have been given a large amount of presents this year. Avery and the girls have some very amazing angels. I wish I could personally address each of these people, but I don't know if they would be comfortable with it.
I was approached by my neighbor(and friend) about someone on base who wanted to sew Averys sleepers and onesies to help make her life easier. When the clothes were returned by my neighbor she gave me a card, as well. The card was one of the most touching and sentimental things I have received. To whoever Avery' s "sew" cool friend is- THANK YOU. Learning to sew is on my list, but having a lot of other things going on makes it seem impossible sometimes.
Avery got quite a few special gifts this year. After having her Christmas dress ruined by blood and stomach stuff I was incredibly bummed. However, a very special friend bought a new one for her, so she was incredibly blessed by them as well!
Avery, Madi and Kailee got matching tutus and hair bows from another very, very special friend. This specific friend suffered an unimaginable loss earlier this year and has touched my soul with her grace, strength and compassion for other families troubles, despite her own hardships in life. I am honored to be a friend to her.
This week is the last week before our pre- trial. Next week, we go back before the Judge and again plead for our nightmare to be over. Please keep Avery in your prayers for the next week. She has been getting a little cough/cold, on top of the new tube and all of the other changes that have happened lately.
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