I needed to recompose myself today. I have spent the entire day crying. Literally.
Every moment I thought it was ok to stop, something changed and I
started crying again.
Saturday night when I was giving A her OT massage when I noticed
that if I touched a certain spot she cried.
I reported it to the nurse and this morning I brought it up to the
Doctor so she ordered an x-ray of the foot.
We just found out that it came back normal.
Today, I feel numb. I feel
so numb. I am crumbling beneath the
weight of this investigation and every day that goes on I collapse a little
further. I just want to go home, curl
into my bed with my three sweet baby girls and go to sleep. I want to make the world a wonderful place
for them, where they don’t have to worry about things like strangers taking
them out of their home, mommy and daddy crying or baby A being in the
hospital. They’ve done so well with all
of this. My mom has been amazing, caring
for M and K and making sure that they are loved. However, she is leaving Thursday. This is always a hard adjustment time for
M. She loves her GiGi more than words
can describe. With all of these other
changes I’m really concerned about her ability to handle so many changes. K is doing ok with it as well. She’s happy for the most part, but she still
cries a lot for mommy. Both girls are
wanting extra love and attention, understandably. M occasionally cries for A. She says that she wants her to come
home. She doesn’t want to visit her in
the hospital anymore. …me neither…
Today was such a hard day. We
had a wonderful photographer come in and take pictures of A. We did this because we don’t know how the
next few days, weeks or months will play out.
We do know that if she is removed from our custody we won’t have her
ever moment like we do now. We could
miss her Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years, Valentine’s, Birthday, Mother’s
Day, Father’s Day…the list goes on. It
was heart-breaking. Holding her and
trying not to think about the fact that we could be unable to hold her like
this in a few days. It was impossible
not to cry.
My best friend and her daughter came up to visit. She came to make sure she got to spend time
with A…before…well, the unspeakable. She
cried. I cried. We all cried.
When she hugged me and said she was sorry it was too much. It was the first person who has really hugged
me since this all started. I collapsed
onto the floor. I can’t do this. I can’t do this. I can’t.
She is always there when I need her and she helped pick me back up. “It’s going to be ok, Cheryl.” …I know it will…it has to be.
When the photographer cried it started a chain of crying for the
rest of the day. Once that dam opened I
couldn’t close it. My eyes are
swollen. I can’t cry anymore. Then the lawyer wanting $10,000 made me cry
Then an amazing woman, who was my Doula during A’s birth, came to
visit. She has become a friend in ways I can’t explain. We don’t get to talk every day, or even every
month…but I care for her and she does for us as well. She brought the sunshine back into
today. She reminded me that in times
like this it’s so hard to have faith and to show it, but to know deep in our
hearts that God is here with us. He knows
everything about A’s situation and he will watch her, regardless of where she
is going. I felt so bad this afternoon
because my mom was saying that she was sorry and that she was praying and in my
desperate state I just yelled that I don’t want her prayers. I don’t want ANY prayers! I felt so angry at that moment. Angry at everyone and everything. Angry that we are getting failed so badly by
a system meant to protect our child. Our
dear friend helped wipe my tears. She
hugged me. She brought tissues. She was such a pillar of strength and a
sounding board for my fears, anger, frustration, desperation and hurt. She is truly a blessing in my life, in a way
that I don’t think I could ever explain.
She made me laugh on a day that I thought no laughter would happen. I wish everyone could feel her spirit when
they are in desperate times. Her light
is amazing.
Tomorrow the CPS worker and Family Advocacy are coming to the
hospital to meet with me. I was hoping
we would have a lawyer before this happened so that I could at least have a
direction, a way of knowing what to do, anything.
Instead of that we are going to walk blindly into this, hope and
pray for the best. We are going to hope
that our honest, good-nature will show that we could never hurt A.
Cheryl - You're in my prayers. Literally sending hugs through the states. <3 A <3 Have faith.
ReplyDeleteHave you Tried to Call legal aid?? Or a Public Defender? This Is truly awful, I wish there was some way I could help. I got the link to your blog from my Preemie group on Facebook, and your family is in our thoughts and prayers!!
ReplyDeleteCheryl, Please know that you not only have all the prayers and support from your family and friends, but also from complete strangers!! I found your blog from a preemie site I'm on and started from the beginning. My heart literally breaks in 2 for you and your family. I had preemie twins in June and spent 30 days in the NICU so I can relate as our girls are close in age. There must be something you can do!! I'm in the medical field but it's clear you've done your research so I don't have much to offer. I'm glad they are getting the geneticist in to see her while she's still at the hospital. I am so sorry for all that you are going through...I can't imagine what you must be feeling. I wish there was more we could do. I held my girls extra close tonight and we all said a prayer for you, baby A and your family. Wishing you nothing but clarity and facts as it's obvious you and your husband love your children and will go to all extremes to keep them safe. Much love!