Today was just about the same as yesterday. Avery is still in a lot of pain. We are alternating and overlapping Tylenol and
Motrin at the max dosage, constantly, but she still seems so miserable. I’m hoping that tomorrow we can get into the
Dr’s office and get her something stronger and have her g-tube looked at.
I really feel the need to address something about my blog and our
I realize that not everyone who reads this is going to agree with
what I have written regarding Avery’s medical care.
Since we have been stationed at this base (two years) we have seen
the same Pediatrician. She has taken
excellent care of Madi and Kailee. We
have never had so much as a peep of a complaint about her, her bedside manners,
her decision making or anything else.
She was incredible to our family.
Avery’s medical condition is complex. It wasn’t clear from the minute we realized
she was struggling what was wrong, and it still isn’t. However, there were several tests, small
procedures, blood draw tests or just questions that may have been able to
prevent Avery’s condition from deteriorating to where it is right now.
We feel as though we were looked at during the last three months
as the CAUSE of Avery’s failure to thrive, instead of looking for something
deeper and more clinical. Because of
these decisions Avery is not able to get certain tests done that are imperative
in her condition to helping to understand what is causing her failure to
With that said,
We have the right to express our opinion. You have the right to disagree. However, you can read every word of this blog
and find that in no way have I degraded, insulted or undermined the Dr that was
caring for Avery. I have simply stated
the facts. The facts are that Avery was
brought in for THREE months with a declining percentile. I was repeatedly stating that I was having
difficulty getting her to eat. For three
months she was seen at least every two weeks.
At any point a simple swallow study could have been done and the results
may have showed something that was causing her to suffer unnecessarily. It was not done. The last week Avery was seen on base I sat in
the clinic office every single day and was watched as I fed my child. Meanwhile, her condition was deteriorating. She was refusing to eat, eating small amounts
and puking massively. The Dr was not
present, not attentive and didn’t see us except on the last day. Those are FACTS.
My opinion is that the Pediatrician on base is an excellent
Doctor. She is intelligent,
strong-willed and most of the time her decision making is correct and
accurate. She doesn’t want to
unnecessarily medicate, test or run procedures – and I respect that. She is an amazing pediatrician for those families
who just need well baby check ups, ear infection checks, or something to treat
the occasional illness or cold. However,
in my OPINION, because MY child has advanced medical needs – we will be seeing
a civilian Doctor who is in a practice that is regulated and overseen by several
other Doctor’s. Our civilian Doctor
meets regularly to discuss intricate cases and see if another Doctor has a
differing opinion, and all opinions are thought of as valid options. (Hence
Avery’s geneticist visit, g-tube, OT therapy, etc…). If you are happy and content with your
pediatrician, stay with that Doctor!
More power to you!
However, if you are in our situation, feel free to question your
Doctor and seek second opinions. I knew
something was wrong with Avery and I sought out a second opinion. Our second opinion proved to be life-altering
for our child. I will never apologize
for sharing our story, telling others what we have been through and encouraging
people to ask questions, research and decide for yourself.
For whomever it was that felt the need to report my blog to the
Medical group – you have done nothing but make yourself look ridiculous. I am not encouraging people to question the
Dr’s ability to make educated decisions for their child. I am only stating that IF the person’s child
has complex medical issues or they feel they are not being heard, it is OK and
in their RIGHT to get another opinion.
And I am certainly not telling families to run to the TriCare office and
demand a civilian Doctor. That’s just
not who I am. We have a deep level of
respect for the Dr on base. Nothing
would change that.
And with that said, I’d like to state that TriCare did not cover
our second opinion. I didn’t get a
referral. We paid out of pocket to get
another opinion, and that opinion saved Avery’s life – literally.
And in case you aren’t on Facebook (which I’m assuming you aren’t)
I just
want to say - I know that a lot of people here love the pediatrician, and I
respect that. We loved her very much, until our family had issues. Now, I
respect every person's choice to go see her and would NEVER advise changing
Pediatrician's if you are getting the excellent care your family needs.
However, I would ask that each person respects my family's choice to NOT love
her choices with our daughter's medical care. Avery's medical condition was
preventable, 100%. We have real, concrete reasons to not take our family to
her. We also have the undeniable right to express our concerns and
short-comings with our children on our Facebook, Blog or wherever else we feel
is necessary. I have not gone around bad-mouthing the Pediatrician, nor would I
ever. She is an absolutely incredible woman, and until we had problems with
her, we never did. So please, respect our family and the RIGHT we have to 'free
speech'. After all, if you are reading this and on this base - your husband
fights for that right.
So with
that said, I hope everyone has a wonderful evening.
Any person should always respect that often times a mother knows when something isn't right with their baby. I see the "said" pediatrician, and although my thought when I heard about all of this is "HOW did she miss all of this?" I still trust her with my boys. But I would not ever take only one doctor's opinion no matter who it is if I felt there was something wrong with either one of them. She really is remarkable, especially for a military clinic. We have had much worse overseas on base! That being said I truly believe where the military docs are at a disadvantage is often times serious cases end up off base by referral or otherwise and they just don't see as many cases to have the experience outside of textbook explanations. That isn't necessarily their fault. Civilians as you said are often collaboration with a group of doctors and that much experience reviewing a case can help tremendously. I find it sad that you even had to partially explain you decision to get a second opinion! Second opinions save lives EVERYDAY. There are times when another set of eyes, and another brain see things differently, any doctor I am sure can respect that.
ReplyDeleteMama Knows best! I would of taken my Daughter to a MILLION drs if I felt she was being misdiagnosed, esp with a preemie! (I have a 30 weeker!) I honestly probably wouldent of waited as long as you did with going to another DR, but shes YOUR child, and I think you were trying to give the Dr the benefit of the doubt. I am overjoyed that Avery is getting the care she needs now! My kids and I are continuing to pray for you and your family every night. <3
ReplyDeleteKudos to you, for following your instincts! I have had to seek 2nd opinions, for myself, when I was in the AF. The Drs are great for day to day problems, but special cases need special care, which they simply aren't trained for.