Saturday, November 17, 2012

God Works Miracles, Every Day.

It’s funny how quickly things can change.

Two weeks ago I was sitting in Avery’s pediatrician’s office telling them that she wasn’t eating, I was worried about dehydration and she was puking all the time.  I was ignored and pushed to the side, made to feel like it was my fault, and belittled in front of my friend.

Now, we’re under investigation for child abuse because I decided to not take one Dr’s opinion as fact.  If I hadn’t taken Avery into the Doctor two weeks ago, we never would have known she has OI.  Who knows how many more bones would’ve broken before we figured it out. 

Two weeks ago we lived each day as just another day.  Coming so close to losing Madilynn, Kailee and Avery struck me in a way that I could never explain.  My heart has hurt more in two weeks than it has in 25 years.

Two days ago the Doctors were concerned because Avery wasn’t gaining any weight – in fact, she was LOSING weight.  Two days ago the Doctors were worried about sending Avery home on an NG tube because she pulled it out twice, two days in a row.  Two days ago Avery had made no progress with her complete oral aversion.  She still refused anything put in or near her mouth, cried, grimaced and turned away.

Tonight, Avery is up 5 ounces from two days ago, she is now 10.79lbs.  She hasn’t pulled her NG tube out at all.  She ate 5ml out of a bottle tonight, too!  She’s decided that since she gets to come home, she’s going to work hard to make it happen.

At the hospital today my sister and I sat and made bows.  I use to make and sell bows in a little shop on Facebook called “Miss Madi Monroe’s Bows”.  It was something I did to try and bring money into our home.  Today, I did it for a different reason.  The love and support of all the people following our story has inspired me to ‘pay it forward’.  It’s amazing how much a small gesture can change the way your day is going.  So, I am making holiday bows for families in the hospital (especially the NICU and pediatric floor) during the next two months.  The Nurses love the idea!  Every little girl who gets admitted is going to leave with a bow.  After Christmas, I’ll start making Valentine’s Day bows, then St. Patrick’s Day, then Fourth of July, etc… and I’m hoping I can continue to donate bows as often as the hospital wants/needs them.

 Tonight, I hit Avery’s head against the metal keyboard tray of the nurse’s station.  It wasn’t terrible or anything, but with her OI diagnosis it definitely makes me feel paranoid.  I called her nurse in and asked her to just double check it and make sure everything is ok.  She does have a small dent/crack and a knot where her head got hit, but she wasn’t concerned about it. I will mention it to the Doctor tomorrow if it is still there and just have her check to make sure she also agrees it is nothing.  If nothing else, it assures that if in the future we have an x-ray that shows a skull fracture, I don’t have to worry about being accused of abuse.

Also, I want to take a moment and thank everyone who has left comments, prayed for us and thought of us.  I also want to thank everyone who donated to help with the expenses we are incurring by Avery being in the hospital.  Although Tricare will cover the bill 100%, we still have had massive expenses due to the lawyer we had to secure, gas driving back and forth from the base we live on (approximately 25 miles each way – sometimes multiple times a day), food at the hospital every day ($5/meal, 3x day, I’ve been here 15 days with her) and other various expenses that we’ve incurred just by having a child in the hospital.  The donations we have gotten will help us recover.  Every single penny will help to ensure that Avery’s hospital stay is our main priority and that we can breathe a small sigh of relief from the unavoidable debt being amassed.  So please realize how important YOU are to our family right now.  You have helped in ways that we can’t explain.  Our budget was blown out of the window this month, Christmas money was the first to go.  My husband is an E4 in the military (as of his promotion last month) and with three kids and a suburban – we struggle on even the best months.  I just want to say, thank you, from the depths of my heart. 


Tomorrow Avery’s ad litem guardian is coming by to meet me and see Avery.  I got a great vibe from her at our court hearing and I’m praying that everything goes well.  Monday we get to meet with the child abuse expert.  I’m also praying that he sees the truth of our situation and asks county social services to drop the investigation.  Please, keep up the prayers – they are helping!  God works miracles, every day!

From our family, to yours, thank you.  We love and appreciate you!


  1. Cheryl, it's Jen. I have been keeping up with your story as well as many of my friends and family. I emailed his blog to all my family so that they could send prayers your way. I think about and matt and the girls every day. I wished that I lived closer, cause I would have been there in a heartbeat. I can't even imagine what you have had to endure in the past fewonths.I miss you both terribly, and hope that this is over very soon. hugs and kisses to you both!

  2. Cheryl it completely warms my heart to read this. I am sure Avery senses your peace as even when we were visiting and you got upset she immediately tuned into you and your emotions. She I am sure is much happier with her mommy happy too. I absolutely love your family. I haven't known you guys all that long but you guys are amazing.


While we understand that not everyone is a believer in the innocence of a parent accused of child abuse, we would ask that you keep your comments respectful.